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Beast Day for Life Transformation!!

Our lives flow like a river and it crosses different areas, sometimes mountains some times flat lands, forests...etc. We also follows the water flow like a dead fish floating in the river. Dead fish do not swim and therefore it goes wherever water flow carriers him. If we have goals in our lives, then we need to swim towards our goals without letting our destine to decide what we suppose to get.

One of the important lessons of life is we always get what we deserve, not what we think we deserve. In that sense life is not fair. So we have to earn what we want. It is quite similar to the gave of survival in wildlife. each and every animal has its won way to survive from their enemies. In order to be successful in your life, you also have to be a Beast!!

Becoming a beast does not mean that you have to be destructive and arrogant like a wild beast. This means that you should be willing to do stuff which makes other people noticed and impressed. When you repeatedly outwork others, they will soon get to know that you are different from them. That is the moment of your life you start to swim towards your goals!

Beast Day!!

Nothing will happen until you do!! Beast day a great way to transform your life. Here what you are going to do is that you are going to spend a day like a beast!! Later you can extend this to a week, month or a year. But to start with you go for a day.

What a beast day looks like;

  • Wake up early in the morning
This is the first thing you need to do. Everyone in this world got 24 hours per day. If you want to be ahead of them you have to start early.

  • Morning workout session
This will give you the much needed energy & freshness for the rest of the day. This should not be just another workout. you need to challenge your limits here. Because you are going to be a beast.

  • Outwork others
When you start to work, work like you are in a hell. Never let anyone in the room to outwork you. This will help you to differentiate you from the rest of others as well as soon you will be noticeable to others. Whenever there is an opportunity no one will hesitate to recommend you and everyone will want to make you a part of their team. Remember lazy people do not survive in wild games!

  • Push your limits
You have to be better than the yesterday's version of yourself. Others should notice your new behavior and it needs to change their perception towards you in a positive way. Whatever you to you have to you have to make it better than you used to do.

  • Be remarkable & do remarkkable
This is the final step. Opportunities are everywhere. What is missing is the link between you and the opportunity. When you start to be remarkable and do remarkable, it will create the required link and will connect you with opportunities.

Good luck!


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