- We all like to have more friends.
- We like to be liked.
- We like to be famous among others.
- And also, we are trying hard to achieve above.
- But have you ever tried below points? If not just try for once. You will be amazed with the results. Here are two trusted solutions;
- Pay attention to their problem;
- No one in this world is worrying about your problem more than their problems unless it is related to them also
- Nest time when you meet some one, just forget about your issues and kindly ask about a issue they are facing and show your concern towards that
- You will strengthen your friendship with in minutes
- Make others comfortable
From our childhood, everyone is advising us to be nice persons. And in our day to lives we happen to meet a lot of nice people. There is nothing wrong with being nice. But, if you want to make things happen, reach your goals, being nice will not make your dreams come true! You may wonder what the hell I'm telling right now. But I'm telling you the bitter truth which most of other people won't tell you. Just think about a really nice guy and a bad ass you are working with. If both of them made the same request from you, which one you will finish before the deadline?? Definitely it is the work of bad guy. Because, you can handle the nice guy by telling some excuse and you know that he is not going to make any drama on this delayed work even-though it affects him very badly. If you also too nice to others, I am sure that other people is manipulating you and not prioritizing your work. At the end of the day you will not get your work done the way you want and the ti...
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