What you do will determine who you are. But, how successful you are will be determined by the way you do things! There are lot of barbers in the town. But you go for few! Because the way they perform their job matters a lot. But, the most important aspect we always forget is the marketing your work. Lot of people fails to do this. You are an expert in your area and even the simple things you do with out much of an effort can be considered as complex and handwork by many others in different work areas. There you need to market what you do. Opportunities are everywhere. What you have to do is to create links to opportunities. Marketing and communicating your work will be the key to generate links. Best way to market your work is to provide a free help or assistance to someone in need. You can provide your expert knowledge which will not cost you a penny. Then, my dear friends, he/she will do the rest o...