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Showing posts from January, 2016
F.E.A.R In our day to day lives, we come across countless amount of opportunities. But, normally we do not capitalize most of them. It is basically because we are fear to take the risk. Fear is not real. What is real is the danger. Fear is a mental barrier created by our selves. Fear refers to the False Evidence Appeaser Real!! Act with NO FEAR!!
Moving out from your Comfort Zone Everyone likes to be comfortable Therefore, everyone have comfortable zones in their lives Normally people are reluctant to leave their comfortable zones That's why people s goes miles to same salon to take a haircut BUT, most of the amazing things normally happens beyond our comfort zones Let's try to be comfortable of being unconformable!!!
Count to TEN strategy In our day to day lives, we have a lot of great ideas. But most of the ideas will not become a reality. Because, somehow or other, we are not executing our ideas. Then, they just become dreams. Key point here is, "NOTHING WILL HAPPEN UNTIL YOU DO!!" Most of the people do not execute their ideas due to following reasons; Fear Do not want to leave their comfort zone No motivation Uncertainty Starting something is the key. Next time when you want to do something, just count 1 to 10. Just after 10, you just get up and start it. NO EXCUSES. Just do it. You will see the difference!!! Good luck!